
National Geographic: Great Migrations (2010) - Những cuộc di cư vĩ đại

Các loài vật từ lớn đến bé đang di chuyển vòng quanh trái đất trong những cuộc hành trình đầy hiểm nguy có thể kéo dài qua nhiều thế hệ, để đuổi theo những thứ có thể giúp chúng tồn tại. Các nhà nghiên cứu đã ghi lại hình ảnh của những cuộc di cư vĩ đại này và làm thành chương trình “Great Migrations – Những cuộc di cư vĩ đại”, gồm 7 phần, phát trên National Geographic. Để có được những hình ảnh này, các nhà nghiên cứu đã phải mất 2 năm rưỡi, di chuyển qua một khoảng cách dài 420.000 dặm, qua 20 quốc gia và tất cả 7 lục địa.Great Migrations: Born to Move
In the premiere hour of Great Migrations, witness the dramatic migration of Christmas Island’s red crabs as they travel from interior forests to mate on the beaches, braving battles with ferocious yellow ants; the heartbreaking moment a wildebeest calf falls prey to crocodiles, all part of the 300-mile journey the wildebeest make each year; the monarch butterfly’s annual journey that takes four generations to complete; and the sperm whale, who may travel more than a million miles in a lifetime.

Great Migrations: Need to Breed
In the second hour of Great Migrations, witness the awe-inspiring stories of species’ need to reproduce. View, for the first time in nearly 30 years, the white-eared kob performing a deadly mating ritual in Sudan. This episode also features stunning footage of flying foxes soaring across the skies of Australia with their young wrapped in their wings; hard-working ants on the floor of a Costa Rican rain forest; and the remarkable breeding behaviors of elephant seals in the Falkland Islands.

Great Migrations: Race to Survive
Every spring in Botswana, hundreds of zebras make a desperate 150-mile slog so their bodies can take in much-needed minerals. Shot by the award-winning filmmakers Beverly and Dereck Joubert, the journey is documented as never before. Next, we’ll see the heartbreaking struggle of Pacific walrus that have become victims of earth’s changing climate. Watch a herd of pronghorn antelope follow its ancient migration through Wyoming.Then, journey alongside the mysterious whale shark.

Great Migrations: Feast or Famine
Witness the fortitude of Mali elephants as they undertake the longest elephant migration on earth – a vast, 300-mile circle around the heart of the country. See the great white sharks that cover thousands of miles of ocean each year from Hawaii to Mexico to reach an abundant feast. Witness close up the rarely filmed attack on a seal by a great white, shown in brilliant detail from above and below the water’s surface. And follow the golden jellyfish of Palau on a race to follow the sun.

Great Migrations: Science of Great Migrations
Borne of suffering, desperation, and starvation, every migration is a death-defying journey, filled with countless obstacles. Science of Great Migrations will go behind breathtaking images of migration and show how scientists learn from and study these magnificent spectacles of nature. The iconic migration of wildebeest in the Serengeti; the 1,800 mile flight path of the monarch butterfly; the two-month pilgrimage of the southern elephant seal off Patagonia; and the perilous journey of African elephants in Mali together give scientists a look into this dangerous world of migration. Advances in scientific technology and data collection are revealing a new understanding of animal decision-making, swarm dynamics and the inner workings of a herd, flock or pod.

Great Migrations: Behind the Scenes
Starting in 2007, National Geographic crews dispersed all over the planet to film the most amazing and unique animal migration stories ever told. Over the 2 years, the crew spent 350 hours in trees, 500 hours in blinds and 400 hours underwater. This behind-the-scenes story takes you to the depths of the sea and the far corners of the earth as you experience the dangers, difficulties and adventures of a National Geographic Cameraman.

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Bao gồm 7 tập x 2.7GB
1. Born to move
2. Need to breed
3. Science of Great Migrations
4. Feast or Famine
5. Race to Survive
6. Behind the Scenes
7. Rhythm of Life (Link của anh HoaiTrung, Hardsub Việt)

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